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IFG Life Achieves 2x Retention Rate with Xendit Auto Debit

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Auto debit for cards

IFG Life Achieves 2x Retention Rate with Xendit Auto Debit

3 min read

Customer experience​​


Increase in retention rate after providing auto debit payments


Faster reconciliation time

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PT Asuransi Jiwa IFG (IFG Life) is a subsidiary of Indonesia Financial Group (IFG)–a state-owned strategic holding company for insurance and underwriting companies. IFG Life provides health and life insurance products to thousands of policyholders in Indonesia, acquired through digital channels (through the IFG Life app), as well as non-digital channels (through agents).

To maximize sales and capture a higher market share, IFG is dedicated to continually improve customer experience, particularly in terms of making payments convenient for customers through digital payment methods.


Low user retention rate due to poor payment experience

Life insurance requires periodic payments of premiums. However, making these payments can be challenging for customers:

  • Cumbersome application process for non-digital transactions
    For convenience, many customers would like to automate their premium payments via auto debit. However, to do that, they have to manually submit forms and documents to their banks so that their premium payments can be deducted periodically from their bank accounts–a bothersome process that takes too much time and energy.
  • Manual one-time payments for each transaction on mobile applications
    Without automation, customers have to make one-time payments manually for each payment period (e.g. every month or every year). Customers are busy, so they may sometimes forget to make payment on time. This results in late payments, lapsed policies, and ultimately a low retention rate.

Time-consuming manual reconciliation process

IFG Life’s team needs to reconcile thousands of transactions on a daily basis. To ensure the integrity of the data and minimize any potential human error, the team has to check each transaction 2-3 times against various other sources. This process is exhausting and time-consuming, taking up to one working day to complete just one report.


Creating a seamless payment experience by enabling subscription via auto debit feature

Working with Xendit, IFG Life has now activated the auto debit feature for online payments made through credit cards and debit cards. 

Xendit’s auto debit feature, which allows customers to skip authentication (no OTP required), pairs with IFG Life’s scheduler and enables funds for premium payments to be automatically deducted from customers’ accounts each payment period.

Customers only need to do a one-time account-linking process, which is fuss-free–it only takes a few seconds, and customers can perform it fully online before the first transaction.

Centralized reconciliation through Xendit Dashboard

All payment activities, including money-in and money-out transactions, as well as other related information, are centralized and can be accessed on one single dashboard. This makes reconciliation a breeze–IFG Life’s team can simply download the data they need from the dashboard, and they can proceed to perform the analyses as needed.


Improved customer experience

The auto debit feature, as well as the seamless account-linking process to enable it, helps IFG Life offer a better payment experience to its customers. Now, premium payments are easy and painless–customers no longer have to go through tedious manual processes to make payment on time.

2x user retention rates after implementing auto debit

With the auto debit feature, customers’ human errors and lack of time no longer cause delays in premium payments. This resulted in a drastic increase in retention rates.

Less time needed to reconcile transaction data

With centralized data, the team no longer had to cross-check various data sources. This significantly increased their efficiency and shortened the time needed, from a full day of work to just a few hours.


Before Xendit

After Xendit

Monthly premium payment experience

  • For offline transactions, customers had to go through the manual process of submitting a request form to their banks to enable auto debit.
  • For online transactions, customers with cards have to make payment by themselves for each transaction (key in OTP each time)
  • These result in low retention rate due to unpleasant customer experience

Using Xendit Auto Debit feature: 

  • Customers only have to perform one-time online account-linking before first transaction. 
  • Premium payments are deducted automatically for each payment period (OTP is skipped)
  • These result in 2X increase in retention rate. 


Spending an entire day on tedious, manual processes involving cross-checking with 2-3 data sources

Centralized data on Xendit dashboard eliminates manual checking, boosting efficiency such that reconciliation takes just a few hours

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